Sharing the info.

I have posted a ‘Ode to” written by an actual patch wearing bad ass. The man and his club sponsor several charitable events in the mid Michigan area, and notably sponsor the Bikers for Books program to help promote literacy in Grade schools. So many people have given me shit over my use of ‘Old school terms and words” If you take the time to read his Ode, you will see that many of the words are still used in the biker community today.

I ADMIT IT I am older than most of you. Bikers say Fuck you as a term of respect and endearment at times if they know you. The flash of the middle finger is something to laugh about if you know the biker.

You Never touch a biker’s ride or his woman / or her biker. you will draw back a bloody stump if you are not tough enough to defend your actions.

Respect is not just a song.


Badge Velasquez

9 hrs · Charlotte, MI ·

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting one of the “originals” two weekends ago !!!!

Ode to the Greybeard
Everyone who knows me, ought to know about my admiration for the greybeards. These are the older guys that have been around for a long time. The term “greybeard” should never be perceived in a derogatory light. On the contrary, this term is more a sign of respect, a badge of honor, experience and wisdom. These are the guys that have weathered the storms and have pretty much seen it all. There is noticeable calmness about these “elders”, rarely will you see these guys get too excited about things. They have already navigated through things such as inter Club issues, they recognize the poisons that addictions, greed, women and lack of self-control can bring to a Club. They advise us to never let your addiction become more important than the Patch. They have long dealt with Patch pulling, take overs and attempts, charges, Club beefs, trust, wavering loyalty, flash in the pan newbies that think they are gonna change the world, and the grim reality of loss of our loved ones, so very little surprises them. Most of these men understand that as time goes on, the game has changed a bit. However, these same men hold steadfast to the heritage that has gotten us this far. They ensure that these basic elements that are our foundation stay strong because they realize that our future depends on it. It has long been said that without order, there is only chaos, so these greybeards rely on our own set of bylaws to be our system of checks and balances. Clearly greybeards have a great respect for seniority, yet they also know that there is much more to Clubbing then time. It can pretty easy to “fly under the radar” in order to let time pass, but it’s very much another to get involved and understand the politics. They can see when a member has heart, but warn of having too much heart may reveal weakness and cloud clear thought. Greybeards will teach you the importance of Club officers putting the needs of THE CLUB before their own in order to remain a Club. They reinforce the importance of discretion. Like a large buck with a huge rack during deer season, these greybeards navigate very carefully and overcome obstacles in order to withstand the test of time.
Personally, I have worked very hard to make my own way in the Club world and NOT operate in the shadows of anyone. I have worked to cut my own path just as he suggested. For this guidance, I have turned to the greybeards who have so graciously given me the time of day and direction. I thank the each and every greybeard that has bestowed their wisdom upon me. I know that the journey is never over, so I will continue to watch, listen and learn.
“Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Big Badge V – Earnin my stripes